Seasonal and Holiday Items
Seasonal and Holiday Items
We believe in some things...
We believe in some things...

Anything 'Pumpkin' should be offered Year-Round for those who love the flavor and want more than the two-month window of October and November to get their 'Pumpkin-Fix' until the following year.
Scones are amazing (...they're our favorite Breakfast Treat here at Sweet E's you know) and everyone should try them - which is why we offer so many varieties.

Holiday and Seasonal Items - although they're around for a specific time for a reason - should NOT be UN-available throughout the rest of the year ...which is exactly why we offer them whenever you want by Special Order.
That said...
Christmas Cookies in July?
No problem, just give us notice and a little time before you need
them and we've got you covered.
Autumn Spritz in Spring because you love the light flavor and
delicate texture of the cookie?
A Gravedigger Cake with adjustments made to make it a Custom
Order Pirate Skull Cake for a 10th birthday party?
...well, that's just really cool and we'd be happy to do that regardless, but...
of course we'll do that!
It all goes back to wanting our customers to be pleased with the
service that we provide and the extra mile we're willing to go
...and because - what does it really take for us to make what you need?
...or would like?
As long as it's not ridiculous we're fine with it
...and if we have any reservations about something to do with your request,
- or we're not comfortable executing it - we'll always let you know.
The last thing we want is to provide you with something that's not up to
our standards.
So, no matter what time of year it is, or for what occasion, we can help you out.
Just follow the links to be taken where you need to go!
Have fun ...and feel free to contact us with any questions.